Share North Squared session

Circularium: Main Stage

14:15 – 15:30

Join us for an extraordinary session that explores the “madness” of integrating shared mobility into housing and real estate development while enhancing our communities. Discover how shared mobility can transform “our house” into a more accessible, sustainable, and socially connected living space. This session will unveil the potential of shared mobility to create more inclusive and vibrant neighborhoods, where convenience meets community. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting evolution in housing and mobility, where a touch of “madness” leads to brilliant innovations!


Michael Johansson is Tech. Dr. in Transport & Road from Lund Technical University (LTH) and is now a researcher at Service Studies at Lund University. Michaels research focus on sustainable and shared mobility, urban natural ecosystem services and sustainable urban planning. 

Michaels research focuses on both environmental strategic and sustainable aspects of transport-, mobility- and ecosystem services impacts on urban spatial planning. Michael has developed planning knowledge and skills, professional judgement and the skills in sustainable development work at the local, regional, national and international level. The research comprises international perspectives with planning issues abroad and with projects concerning cross-border cooperation. 

The research highlights relevant conflicts between the densification of a city in respect of green areas and hard infrastructure from an ecosystem service perspective. The aim of the research is to clarify the effects of urbanization, and density planning on the modal transport split, but also how sustainable mobility (sharing mobility) can be used as a useful strategic tool for reducing the negative effects of future car traffic such as reduction of valuable urban ecosystem services in the green infrastructure. 

Transportation has a major environmental and land-use impact. The focus is on an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable urban planning, different approach concerning transportation in municipalities, developed valuation methods for urban ecosystem services, sustainable mobility systems and services in urban planning and renewable fuels in sustainable transportation. 

It covers the dimensions and constituents of urban planning approaches to the creation and maintenance of attractive places, regarding the interests involved and the nature of the urban design and development planning processes. The outcome of research will provide a deeper knowledge of the concept of sustainable development and will increase understanding of how the concept is integrated into various political areas and where it comes into conflict with traditional sectoral policies.

Rebecca Karbaumer is Shared Mobility Specialist at the City of Bremen. Her favorite rock song? The Raven by The Alan Parsons Project.

Esther De Reys is project manager at

Julien Dijol is Head of Policy  and Deputy Secretary-General at Housing Europe. His role is in particular to ensure an effective advocacy work through relevant links with the EU projects in which Housing Europe is involved. He therefore has contributed to various EU projects, in particular in the field of Cohesion Policy, Energy, Social Inclusion as well as to several publications, for instance:

  • study on sustainable regeneration in suburbs – promoting social integration in deprived neighbourhoods through housing interventions by ERDF (review expert)
  • study on financing the renovation of social housing: (lead author)
  • HOST innovative services to promote solidarity, technological and social inclusion of elderly people (contributor)
  • Les acteurs du logement social et la lutte contre le sans-abrisme (author) in: les Echos du Logement n°128

Julien is a social and political scientist by education and has been trained at the Institute of political studies (IEP) in Bordeaux (France), the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

Cornelia Cordes is project managemer SHARE-North Squared at the Hanseatic City of Bremen.