Mobility Neighbourhood Stations: An Antidote to Rising Housing Costs?
The Pipeshop Venue: Main Stage
1:35pm – 2:20pm
What links Neighbourhood Mobility Stations to rising housing costs? And how do cities and the real estate sector benefit from them? You’ll find some of the answers to those questions in this session. Join mobility experts from Canada, the US, and Europe for their experiences with Mobility Stations. The session will be split into two parts.
The first part will feature a rapid-fire (and fun) 3×3 format where speakers will share some of their experiences around how Mobility Stations help reduce housing costs. It will be a game of word or picture association, shared mobility style!
The second part will have a panel discussion inviting audience participation looking at answering questions from diverse perspectives – municipalities and policymakers, operators, real estate developers, and indeed the end-user preferences.